Events Source — SOMA Pilipinas
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APAture 2017: Unravel
to Oct 28

APAture 2017: Unravel

  • 1246 Folsom Street San Francisco, CA, 94103 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

APAture is a multidisciplinary arts festival featuring the work of emerging Asian Pacific American (APA) artists local to the San Francisco Bay Area. Coinciding with Kearny Street Workshop's 45th Anniversary, this year's festival will showcase talent from artists unraveling their stories in film, literature, music, performance, book arts, and visual arts. From September 30 to October 28, over 60 artists will present their work to approximately 1,000 festival-goers across multiple dates and venues around the South of Market area. 

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Pistahan Parade & Festival
to Aug 13

Pistahan Parade & Festival

  • Yerba Buena Gardens (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The SOMA Pilipinas contingent will be gathering at Civic Center. Arrive early and look for our SOMA Pilipinas Jeepney! The SOMA Pilipinas contingent number for Pistahan is A8 (Cluster A, Unit 8).

Presented by FAAE: Experience the best of Filipino art, dance, music and food at the 24th Annual Pistahan Parade and Festival. Billed as the largest celebration of Filipino Americans in the U.S., the the two-day event organized by the Filipino American Arts Exposition is expected to draw over 80,000 people each day. The Parade will be held on Saturday, August 12, 2017 at 11AM from the San Francisco Civic Center, along market street towards 4th Street. The Festival will be held from Saturday, August 12 to Sunday August 13 from 11AM to 5PM at Yerba Buena Gardens. Admission is free and fun for the entire family!

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Barrio Fiesta 2017
11:00 AM11:00

Barrio Fiesta 2017

Barrio Fiesta 2017 celebrates the beauty, resilience, culture and spirit of San Francisco's Filipino community in the heart of the South of Market. On May 20, 2017 the smell of roasted pig, and pancit will rise from the Gene Friend Recreation Center and spread to our friends throughout the city, as an invitation to come and share the laughter of children, families, and seniors as the day will feature food, performances, games, entertainment, cooking demonstrations and more.

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